The Bowl

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newBookmarkLockedFalling A Weyrwoman's Duty (Salina)
Omnia Munda 7 241 by Xinnai
Oct 17, 2008 14:51:34 GMT -8
newBookmarkLockedFalling Make Contact (Th'dis)
Slim 16 420 by Slim
Sept 30, 2008 18:19:06 GMT -8


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The Bowl
Telgar's bowl is situated in the top of a huge dormant volcano at the top of the Central Mountain range. The tall, craggy walls are peppered with weyrs and a ledge on the caldera's rim on the north face serves as a watch post. A large lake takes up most of the bowl's northwest corner; the weyrling barracks can be found there. The northeast bowl holds the stable and feeding pens as well as a modest herb garden. The Weyrleader's complex, the infirmary and the living caverns are found to the southwest, while at the southeast a tunnel leading to the road outside offers a way for tithe caravans and other land travelers to enter the bowl.

Currently, the southeast end of the bowl accommodates a crowded collection of caravans in varying shapes and sizes. The number of them seems to grow by the day.
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